
We could travel back to the other mobilities with the images projected on the screen, but also with the teachers’ words. They reminded us how beautiful and unique each mobility had been. We didn’t get tired of looking at each photo and trying to imagine how other students would have felt there.


We were asked to analyse the week and take the floor to explain and evaluate. Most of us agreed that one of the best things had been the interviews organised with students from other countries at the Swedish school.


We talked a lot about the customs and traditions of our countries. We learnt about cultural differences in a very dynamic and fun way.


We were delivered the attendance certificates during that morning and Lennon's song “Imagine” was also played and we sang in unison in that enormous auditorium creating a unique moment.


The Swedish team showed us a funny video about their dearest festival: the Midsommar. They wanted to share this tradition and they invited everybody to dance around an improvised Maypole; it was a really enjoyable end for an unforgettable week.


In every mobility of this project we may have shared the same thought: the experience is a wonderful opportunity to open up your mind; you not only see new landscapes, but you also learn that there are other ways of life, other different points of view and they all may be valid.
