As teachers, we do believe that educating is no doubt a powerful tool to help our pupils understand and accept this reality and to provide support to those children coming from far away so that they can easily begin their new life in our countries. No matter where a student comes from, he should get knowledge and training in our schools and he should leave our classrooms after having fed his brain with the essential learning.

We can’t teach our pupils about this reality by only following the school subject programmes but also through actions and programmes like this Erasmus+ KA Project. This will enable all of us, both teachers and students, or even other members of our educational communities, to actually get involved in this challenge: getting to know all those differences and similarities that are making Europe a colourful mosaic, that’s to say, parts of the same whole.

In a Europe where nationalist and radical movements constantly rise, we need to prepare and educate our native students and second generation immigrant students to cross mental frontiers and not to close them; no doubt these movements are a threat we have to face and oppose at schools.

Our activities will try to bring students and teachers near the identity of the migrants and refugees by dealing with the topic in as many subjects as possible such as History, Languages, Literature, Religion, Social Sciences or Media during this two-year project. Both in our mobilities to the other schools and in the tasks to be carried out in our own countries, we will produce useful materials to teach and learn about the theme of our project.

Besides, with this new project, we mean to focus as well on the environmental, economic, political, humanitarian crises and wars. We need to highlight the importance of keeping and developing our democratic society and, of course, we want to educate our young generation to be open-minded, critical, self-confident, ready to cooperate, responsible and with a judgement and behaviour capacity related to the values of human rights and equity.

We still believe that by developing these attitudes, they will obtain strong arms to fight against social pessimism and the sad crisis of vision and values. It is never too late to teach all of this.